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We know that visiting somewhere for the first time can be a little intimidating so we would like to walk you through our normal worship service.

Arriving at the building

When you enter at the building, it is always our hope to give you a warm welcome. You will see people greeting one another and preparing for worship service. Feel free to sit anywhere you feel comfortable. If needed, a nursery is in the back corner of the auditorium.


The service starts with announcements. It is at this time you will hear progression of events that will take place during the service. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. That means that we are concerned about one another and we encourage one another to live as Christ would have us. We will get up-to-date on anyone having health issues and if there are any new prayer requests. Also, this is a time that we talk about any events (Gospel meetings, Vacation Bible Schools, and etc) going on in the area.


One avenue of worship is singing. This is making a joyful noise unto the Lord. We sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments because we can not find the command in the New Testament to worship God in song with anything more than our voices and our hearts. Everyone is encouraged to sing. 

Bible Reading

At this time in the service, we have a Bible reading. Normally, the text will start to prepare our minds for the lesson. We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God. Unless otherwise noted, the reading will come from the King James Version.


Prayer is our chance to approach the throne of God. We cast on Him our cares and concerns.  We offer our praise and thanksgiving.  


We sing at this point to help prepare our minds for the lesson that is about to be preached. 


Preaching is the proclaiming of God's word and will. We believe that the Bible tells us all things pertaining to life and godliness. This is an avenue of worship so the focus is to God but we all can learn and grow as the preacher speaks from the scriptures. It is encouraged to follow along and confirm the lesson is from the inspired word of God. 

The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper is the time in the service when Christians are commanded to remember the great sacrifice of Jesus giving His life on the cross. It is also a time for us to reflect on whether or not we are living a life that is pleasing to God. The unleavened bread represents His body and the fruit of the vine represents His blood. If you are a member, we encourage you to participate. If not, we would love to speak with you about the importance of devoting your life to Christ.  


After the Lord's Supper, we have a collection. God has given the church work to do and those tasks take time, energy, and money. The money is to be given as a free will offering and not out of necessity. 

Closing Song

Closing Prayer

After Service

After the service, we would love to get you know you a little better. Feel free to talk, ask questions, or just enjoy the fellowship. 

Doyle Church of Christ

5190 McMinnville Hwy

Doyle, TN 38559

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